this is obsolete doc -- see instead

Motif Window Manager 



To get CDE's window manager (without the desktop suite), 

yum install openmotif


Configure the window manager, 

cd ~/
cp /etc/X11/mwm/system.mwmrc .mwmrc.dist
cp .mwmrc.dist .mwmrc
vi .mwmrc

replace those lines, 

      Alt<Btn1Down>   window|icon     f.lower
!     Alt<Btn2Down>   window|icon     f.resize
!     Alt<Btn3Down>   window|icon     f.move
      Alt<Btn1Down>   window|icon     f.lower
!     Alt<Btn2Down>   window|icon     f.resize
!     Alt<Btn3Down>   window|icon     f.move

with those, 

      Alt<Btn3Down>   window|icon     f.resize
      Alt<Btn1Down>   window|icon     f.move
!     Alt<Btn1Down>   window|icon     f.lower
      Alt<Btn3Down>   window|icon     f.resize
      Alt<Btn1Down>   window|icon     f.move
!     Alt<Btn1Down>   window|icon     f.lower
      Alt<Btn3Down>   window|icon     f.resize
      Alt<Btn1Down>   window|icon     f.move


Configure window manager's layout, 

vi ~/.Xresources

copy/paste both,

Note. make sure .xinitrc call that X resources file with xrdb