this is obsolete doc -- see instead

Configuring Ignite-UX on 11i v1 



- install all HP/UX variants available in the IGNITE bundle from the Ignite-UX depot file, 

- copy the media CDs to /var/opt/ignite/depots using make_depots, 

- create the repository configuration file using make_config, 

- (create a new index clause with manage_index), 

- link an index clause to the repository with manage_index, 

- configure NFS for Ignite-UX and Bootp. 


Installing the software 

Check what bundles are available in your depot file and install the whole thing (for all available client HP/UX variants), 

swlist -s `pwd`/All_3_bundles_Ignite-UX-11-ALL_C.7.16.283.depot
swinstall -s `pwd`/All_3_bundles_Ignite-UX-11-ALL_C.7.16.283.depot IGNITE

note. The "IGNITE" bundle will install all three variants (11i v1, v2 and v3). 

note. If you don't have enought space on a filesystem you will get an error in the software agent logs and might want to extend it first. Eventually reboot in single user mode if you don't have OnlineJFS. 

everything should now be installed. Check with, 

swlist Ignite-UX


Preparing the Operating Environment depot 

Make sure you got enought space in /var/ to copy the installation media, 

bdf | grep /var$

look for the CDrom device path, 

ioscan -funC disk

put the first CDrom into the player tray and create the HP-UX Operating Environment depot with it, 

mkdir -p /var/opt/ignite/depots/

/opt/ignite/bin/make_depots -s /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 -d /var/opt/ignite/depots/Rel_B.11.11/tcoe_media 

put the second CDrom in and repeat the task, 

/opt/ignite/bin/make_depots -s /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 -d /var/opt/ignite/depots/Rel_B.11.11/tcoe_media 

open another window to check the progress, 

tail -f /var/opt/ignite/depots/Rel_B.11.11/tcoe_media/swagent.log


Configuring the repository 

Configure Ignite-UX so it knows about this new repository. Create a new configuration file for that repository, 

/opt/ignite/bin/make_config -s /var/opt/ignite/depots/Rel_B.11.11/tcoe_media -c /var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.11/tcoe_media_cfg 

Note. If you change the server IP you'll have to redo this (and not only this). 


Look at the existing main configuration clauses, 

grep ^cfg /var/opt/ignite/INDEX
/opt/ignite/bin/manage_index -l

use the default clause to create a new one, 

/opt/ignite/bin/manage_index -n "HP-UX B.11.11 Default" -c "B.11.11 from TCOE Media"


grep TCOE /var/opt/ignite/INDEX
/opt/ignite/bin/manage_index -l


Assign the repository configuration file to this new clause, 

/opt/ignite/bin/manage_index -a -f /var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.11/tcoe_media_cfg -c "B.11.11 from TCOE Media"

read and change the description for this new clause e.g., 

manage_index -x -c "B.11.11 from TCOE Media"
manage_index -c "B.11.11 from TCOE Media" -y "B.11.11 june 2002 TCOE"

and check again, 

manage_index -x -c "B.11.11 from TCOE Media"


Configuring the network services 

Start and enable the NFS daemon at boot time, 

/sbin/init.d/nfs.server start
cd /etc/rc.config.d/
cp nfsconf nfsconf.dist
sed '/^#/d; /^$/d;' nfsconf.dist > nfsconf
chown bin:bin nfsconf
chmod 544 nfsconf
vi nfsconf




Let this little setup script configure the export file for you, 

/opt/ignite/lbin/setup_server -n

and check, 

cat /etc/exports


Start and enable the BOOTP daemon, 

cd /etc/
vi inetd.conf

uncomment the bootp line e.g., 

bootps      dgram  udp wait   root /usr/lbin/bootpd   bootpd

and apply, 

inetd -c
ps -ef | grep inet


Add the clients you want (this is the method for PA-RISC only), 

cd /etc/opt/ignite/
mv instl_boottab instl_boottab.dist

if you are in a hurry and only want to install one client at a time with some temporary IP address, 

cat > instl_boottab <<EOF9



but you should rather look for clients' MAC addresses and configure one per line, 

cat >> instl_boottab <<EOF9




Ready to go 

If you are using the serial line from an HP/UX system to manage the PA-RISC powered client, refer to my [HP/UX serial] ( guide. 


You should now be able to boot from the network on the client side, 

(Main Menu) boot lan.<SERVER_IP_ADDRESS> install

  Interact with IPL (Y, N, Q)?>

now this is what you should get, 

ISL booting  hpux KernelPrompt "Choose an operating system to install that your hardware supports:" 120 1




    1.  target OS is B.11.11
    2.  target OS is B.11.23 PA
    3.  target OS is B.11.31 PA
    4.  Exit


Choose an operating system to install that your hardware supports:



HP Ignite-UX Manuals: 

==> Ignite-UX Quick Start Guide (c01942660.pdf)