this is obsolete doc -- see instead

VSE Management software installation 



HP SIM installation on HP/UX 

You need to install this on a non VM host machine. Eventually a VM guest (which you will have to migrate manually if you need to shutdown its host. 


Look for available bundles, 

mkdir -p /cd1 /cd2
ioscan -fnC disk
mount /dev/dsk/c0t2d0 /cd1
mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 /cd2
swlist -s/cd1 | grep -i vse
swlist -s/cd2 | grep -i vse

Note. to provide the Virtual FileDVD from the VM host, 

#hpvmmodify -P guest3 -a dvd:scsi::file:/data/vsoe_1.iso
#hpvmmodify -P guest3 -a dvd:scsi::file:/data/vsoe_2.iso


View what's already installed, 

swlist -lbundle | grep -i vse

Note. after the installation you should get those, 



Install some dependencies from DVD1, 

swlist -lproduct -s/cd1 | grep -i joob
swinstall -s/cd1 -x autoreboot=true Joob

Note. check after reboot, 

swlist -lproduct | grep -i joob


Mount the DVDs again, 

mount /dev/dsk/c0t2d0 /cd1
mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 /cd2


Install VSE from DVD2, 

swlist -s/cd2 | grep -i vse
swinstall -s/cd2 -x autoreboot=true VSEMgmt

Note. if anything fails, don't forget to clean up before you retry, 

#swremove VSEMgmt
#swremove VseAssist

Note. otherwise add "-x reinstall=true" to swinstall commands 

Note. check after reboot, 

swlist -lbundle | grep -i vse

Note. to remove the Virtual FileDVD from the VM host, 

#hpvmmodify -P guest3 -d dvd:scsi::file:/data/vsoe_1.iso
#hpvmmodify -P guest3 -d dvd:scsi::file:/data/vsoe_2.iso


You may use Oracle instead of PGSQL, 

scp oracle@ORACLESERVER:/u01/product/11.1.0/ora1110/sqldeveloper/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar /opt
ll /opt/*.jar
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/mx/bin
mxoracleconfig -h ORACLESERVER -n 1521 -d sim -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -j /opt/ojdbc14.jar

note. the database needs to have the "AL32UTF8" character set 

note. tablespace of 1GB and temporary tablespace of 100MB is fine. HP SIM and VSE installation takes around 100MB. The free space will be used for their application data. 

note. the user USERNAME needs to have the "dba" role 

note. if you need to start over, drop the user, recreate it and rerun mxoracleconfig with the '-f' option 


Configure HP SIM, 

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/mx/bin
mxinitconfig -l
mxinitconfig -a

note. if something goes wrong during the database configuration, 

#cd /var/opt/mx/logs
#ls -ltr

note. you should get a "Completed all tasks successfully.", and tablespace used something about 50MB 

note. I used to have the "hpsmdb failed to start" and "/sbin/init.d/hpsmdb[25]: 16637 Memory fault(coredump)" error, hence the Oracle choice 

note. if you need to start over, remove the config (mxinitconfig -r) and proceed again 


If you need the manuals, 

export MANPATH
man mxinitconfig



VSE integration into HP SIM 

Configure VSE Management software 

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/vse/bin
vseinitconfig -a

note. you should get a "Completed all tasks successfully.", and tablespace now used something about 10MB more 

note. if anything goes wrong, 

#tail -100 /var/opt/vse/logs/vseinitconfig.log


Note this comment, 

PLEASE NOTE: For assistance with licensing, refer to the VSE Management
             Software Getting Started Guide or the vselicense man page...


==> VSE Management Software 90 day trial license applied for HP Integrity and
    HP 9000 systems.



HP SIM configuration 

Open those URLs, 


login to the latter with your system root password and proceed with the first time wizard (enable popups). 


Proceed with the first time wizard (Options > First time wizard). You go through these steps, 

Options > Managed environments
Options > Protocol Settings > Global Protocol Settings


Run a discovery, 

Options > Discovery
System automatic discovery / Run now



HP SIM maintainance 

Start the daemons (and go take a cup of coffee the time it starts...), 

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/mx/bin
#/sbin/init.d/hpsim start

note. Database needs to be started. Don't forger the listener if it's Oracle. 

stop the daemons, 

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/mx/bin
#/sbin/init.d/hpsim stop