this is obsolete doc -- see instead

Configuring FreeBSD 


Standard post-installation 

Get rid of the freacking motd, 

cd /etc/
mv motd motd.dist


Configure the time zone e.g., 

cd /etc/
ls -l localtime
diff ../usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris localtime
ln -sf ../usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris localtime


Switch from csh (default shell for root) and sh (default shell for users) to KSH for both, 

uname -a
setenv PACKAGE_SITE ""
#setenv PACKAGESITE ""
pkg_add -r pdksh
cd /bin/
ls -l ksh
ln -s ../usr/local/bin/ksh
cd /etc/
echo '/bin/ksh' >> shells
chpass -s /bin/ksh root
chpass -s /bin/ksh ADMINUSER
#chsh -s /bin/ksh root
#chsh -s /bin/ksh ADMINUSER


However keep using SH (already the default for users) or CSH for ftp users, 

#pw useradd -D -s /bin/csh

and also remove all skeletons for easy FTP user creation, 

cd /etc/
mv skel/ skel.dist/
mkdir skel/


Setup the KSH environment, 

ls -l /etc/profile
mkdir -p ~/.trash/
cd ~/
mv .cshrc .k5login .login .profile .trash/
mkdir -p /.trash/
cd /
mv .cshrc .profile .trash/
ftp -a
ftp -a

and apply, 

cd ~/
ln -s ../.profile
. ./profile
. /.shrc


You can now relogin to check that everything is fine. Eventually proceed for users too (as user), 

mkdir .trash/
mv .cshrc .login .login_conf .mail_aliases .mailrc .profile .rhosts .shrc .trash/  
ln -s ../../../.profile
. ./.profile
. /.shrc


Install a few more packages (back to root), 

pkg_add -r screen wget mc lftp pwgen vim
cd /
ftp -a
cd ~/
ln -s ../.vimrc
cat .vimrc
cd /usr/local/etc/
mv screenrc screenrc.dist
ftp -a
cd /etc/
ln -s ../usr/local/etc/screenrc

and as ADMINUSER, 

  cd ~/
  ftp -a
ln -s ../../../.vimrc
cat .vimrc


Configure syslog, 

cd /etc/
mv syslog.conf syslog.conf.dist
vi syslog.conf


*.*             -/var/log/messages
*.emerg         *

secure syslog, 

cd /var/log/
ls -l messages
chmod o-r messages
ls -l messages


/etc/rc.d/syslogd restart

Note. default flags should be syslogd_flags=-ss already, 

ps aux | grep syslog


Configure crontab, 

cd /etc/
cp crontab crontab.dist
vi /etc/crontab

disable atrun, run newsyslog only once a day, enable daily file indexing and disable local time adjustments, 

#*/5 * * * * root /usr/libexec/atrun 

10      0       *       *       *       operator /usr/libexec/save-entropy
0       0       *       *       *       root    newsyslog

50 3 * * * root /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb 2>1 | grep -v '^>>>' 

#1,31 0-5 * * * root adjkerntz -a 

Note. editing this file is enought, unlike 'conrtab -e' on other UNICES. You'll see this in the logs, 

(*system*) RELOAD (/etc/crontab)


Switch to en_US.ISO8859-15 with the login class method, 

locale -a | grep en_US
cd /etc/
ls -l login*
cp login.conf login.conf.dist
vi login.conf

at the setenv=MAIL=... line, add this before the last colon, 


and after the umask line add, 


apply and check the new login database date, 

cap_mkdb login.conf
ls -l login.conf.db

Ref. Using UTF-8 (Unicode) on FreeBSD: 


Or switch to en_US.ISO8859-15 with the shell startup method, 

export LANG=en_US.ISO8859-15
export MM_CHARSET=ISO8859-15

Ref. 22.2. Using Localization: 


Now tune your SSH client so it takes care of the locale you choosed, and re-login. 


Proceed with a first indexing proceed as root, 

cd ~/


Updating (patches only) the system 


uname -r
freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install


Upgrading the system 

Check your daemons, 

vi /etc/rc.conf
vi /etc/rc.local (if you did the rc.local trick as mentioned before)


Check the upgrade configuration, 

cd /etc/
cp freebsd-update.conf freebsd-update.conf.`date +%s`
vi freebsd-update.conf


Backup your kernel and configuration files, 

cd /
ls -ld /boot/kernel*
rm -rf boot.tar.gz etc.tar.gz etc.old/
tar -czpf boot.tar.gz boot/; tar -czpf etc.tar.gz etc/
cp -Rp etc/ /etc.old/
cd /usr/local/
rm -f etc.tar.gz
tar -czpf etc.tar.gz etc/


Start the minor or major upgrade (check latest version available e.g., 

cd ~/
uname -r
freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install
freebsd-update upgrade -r 9.3-RELEASE
Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y
Attempting to automatically merge changes in files... done.


The following file could not be merged automatically: /etc/login.conf
Press Enter to edit this file in vi and resolve the conflicts

you cannot ^C at this point, you have to), 

:q several times


Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y several times too


Review the changes between the upgrading RELEASE and the merged target, 

cd /var/db/freebsd-update/merge/
diff -ru 9.3-RELEASE/ new/ | grep ^diff
diff -ru 9.3-RELEASE/ new/ | less


Eventually remove some local differences to stay as closed as possible to the release standards, 

cp -pi 9.3-RELEASE/etc/login.conf new/etc/

Note. you can also review the changes among the releases, 

diff -ru 8.4-RELEASE 9.3-RELEASE


You can now proceed with the kernel upgrade and restart the box, 

/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install
ls -ld /boot/kernel*
shutdown -r now


Once restarted you can now update the userland (yes it's dumb but it's the same command). It is safer to check for badly altered files by freebsd-update in the first place, 

cd /etc/
grep -r '^>>>>>>>' /etc/*

also, verify that the merged configuration files are now in place yet, 

grep FreeBSD /etc/login.conf

and proceed, 

/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install
grep FreeBSD /etc/login.conf


Then upgrade your packages (PKGNG, see below), 

pkg upgrade


Eventually re-run install if the pkg upgrade asks for it (oh my god this is painful compared to NetBSD...), 

/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install


Check again for unsolved merge conflict lines, 

grep -r '^>>>>>>>' /etc/*


And eventually reboot a last time for the userland and package daemons to refresh, 

shutdown -r now


You can now check that your services are up and running. 


Also check that only the modified files of yours are different from the branded RELEASE, 

freebsd-update IDS >> outfile.ids
cat outfile.ids | awk '{ print $1 }' | less




Note. you can always proceed with the old way, 

make buildkernel && make buildworld && make installkernel

reboot to single user and, 

make installworld

, then use mergemaster should still work just fine 


Securing and updating the packages 

Formaly you had to check packages' security with, 

portaudit -Fda

note. the vulnerability database used to be updated by periodic(8) 


but now with PKGNG it is, 

pkg audit -F



With PKGNG update it all at once either brutally (generally after a major system upgrade and assuming it was already nearly up-to-date), 

pkg-static update -f
pkg-static upgrade -f

or in a more gentle fashion, 

pkg update
pkg upgrade


Updating the packages 

Make sure you've got either the latest (using portsnap eventually), 

cd /usr/
rm -rf ports*
portsnap fetch
portsnap extract
portsnap fetch update

or the stable port tree, 

cd /usr/
rm -rf ports*
wget ""
tar xzpf ports.tgz


On FreeBSD without PKGNG, 

pkg_add -r portmaster
pkg_add -r portupgrade
portmaster -L
#portmaster -G -af
echo $PKG_PATH
portupgrade -aPP
portupgrade -aP

and if it's just after a system upgrade, also "tie up the loose ends", damn, this is a freaking third reboot, 

/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install


Update a package (-R for its dependencies) in particular, 

#portupgrade -RPP gtk

Note. for some reason the PKG_PATH ftp repo doesn't work so, 

pkg_delete gtk
pkg_add -r gtk

will do. 


24.2. FreeBSD Update 


5.5. Using the Ports Collection 


Switching to PKGNG 

Since FreeBSD 8.4 (by default since 9.2), install PKGNG using the bootstrap executable, 


for odler systems, 

cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg
make install clean

and convert the former pkg database, 



Finally for FreeBSD version earlier than 10.x, 

echo "WITH_PKGNG=yes" >> /etc/make.conf


Official FreeBSD Binary Packages now available for pkgng 


5.4. Using pkg for Binary Package Management 


If you get this exact error while changing a user's password, 

passwd: entry inconsistent
passwd: pam_chauthtok(): error in service module

check there is no duplicates with vipw then rebuild the password database, 

cd /etc/
pwd_mkdb master.passwd



Additional notes 

Auto boot delay 

Speed up the autoboot, 

cd /boot/defaults/
mv loader.conf loader.conf.dist
sed '/^[[:space:]]*#/d; /^[[:space:]]*$/d;' loader.conf.dist | tee loader.conf.dist.clean >> loader.conf
echo 'autoboot_delay="3"' >> loader.conf
diff loader.conf.dist.clean loader.conf


Kernel compilation 

Create a kernel config, 

cd /sys/i386/conf
conf=`echo ${HOSTNAME%%.*} | tr [a-z] [A-Z]`
cp GENERIC $conf
vi $conf

compile and install the kernel, 

cd /usr/src
make buildkernel KERNCONF=$conf
make installkernel KERNCONF=$conf
shutdown -r now

note. possible other parameters, 


note. those parameters can be written to "/etc/make.conf" 

note. otherwise, 

#make kernel=$conf

note. old school, 

#config $conf
#cd ../compile/$conf
#make depend
#make install
#shutdown -r now


Tips & Tricks 

Shutdown the system and power off, 

shutdown -p now


Reload the system (faster than a reboot), 

/bin/sh /etc/rc


Mount a CDROM, 

grep cdrom /etc/fstab
mount /cdrom


mount -v -t cd9660 /dev/acd0 /mountpoint

Note. fielsystem type needs to be specified with FreeBSD (unlike NetBSD & Linux) 


Mount an ISO image, 

mdconfig -a -t vnode -f 7.0-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso
mount -t cd9660 /dev/md0 /cdrom

and unmount it, 

umount /data/jail1/cdrom
mdconfig -d -u 3


To mount NTFS filesystems, see 

Note. it's not *that* stable... 


Configure ~/.mailrc and use, 




FreeNAS tweaks 

You may install additionnal software on FreeNAS. If you need to run a caching DNS service on it, install, 

- db3 

- bind9 only caching and eventually bind8 instead for some real DNS service 

- elvis or nvi 



- sysinstall deeply sucks. NetBSD's OpenBSD's and Slackware's installer a much more intuitive 

- pw useradd instead of useradd sucks. not mentioning the desperating adduser script 

- no KSH93 package available as of today for 7.2 

+ sysinstall makes a clean /etc/hosts 

+ freacking "save-entropy" default crontab spamming the system logs 

+ clean package system & deps 

+ support for large hard drives (no bug for the 1.5TB seagate like w/ netbsd and openbsd) 

+ linux /proc emulation is under /compat/linux/proc 

