this is obsolete doc -- see instead

Postoffice smtp server -- mbox virtual hosts 




In this guide we're configuring the Postoffice smtp server ( for mbox virtual hosts. You can use vm-pop3d for a simple POP3 service, or dovecot if you need POP3 and IMAP. 


Mbox is the traditional UNIX mailbox format. It's also the most convenient for data consistency, archiving and troubbleshooting, although it lacks multi-user access (it uses lock instead) and may cause bad performance on very large mailboxes. Combined with virtual hosts, we establish a clean cut separation between the domains and therefore its users. 


Note. Postoffice now compiles fine on NetBSD/sparc64 (since 1.2.0 or 1.3.pre1). 



Prepare the system for virtual and local mboxes 

Look for mail user and group, 

grep ^mail: /etc/passwd
grep ^mail: /etc/group

Note. on NetBSD, 

#groupadd -g 6 mail
#useradd -s /sbin/nologin -g 6 -u 6 mail
#pw useradd mail -s /sbin/nologin -g 6 -u 6


Prepare directories and fix permissions for virtual mboxes, 

ls -ld /var/spool/virtual /var/spool/mqueue /etc/virtual
mkdir -p /var/spool/virtual /var/spool/mqueue /etc/virtual
chown mail:mail /var/spool/virtual /var/spool/mqueue /etc/virtual
chmod 700 /var/spool/virtual /var/spool/mqueue /etc/virtual


Fix permissions for for local users. Two solutions. 


cd /var/spool/
chown mail:mail mail
chmod 1777 mail/
cd mail/
chgrp mail *
chmod 600 *


cd /var/spool/
chown mail:mail mail
chmod 775 mail/
cd mail/
chgrp mail *
chmod 660 *

Note. on NetBSD, 

#cd /var/ (instead of /var/spool/)



Postoffice installation 

Check for dependencies : 

- ndbm or gdbm (mandatory, on RHEL install gdbm-devel) 

- tcpwrappers (optional, look for /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} files) 

Note. on Redhat systems, 

rpm -qa gdbm-devel \


Note. Postoffice will create the greylist database into /var/db/smtpauth.db, so make sure "/var/db" is writeable by root, 

ls -ld /var/db/


Download, and install Postoffice (, 

cd ~/
tar xjf postoffice-1.5.5.tar.bz2
cd postoffice-1.5.5/
./ --help
./ \
--with-tcpwrappers \
--with-queuedir=/var/spool/mqueue \
--with-auth \
--with-milter \
--with-vhost=/etc/virtual \
--with-vspool=/var/spool/virtual \
make clean
mkdir -p /usr/local/man/
make install

note. add '--use-mailwrappers' on BSD systems 

note. we dislike greylisting because of the arrival delay it produces 

note. --with-gcc-patch patch the code to stop gcc -Wall from complaining 

note. --with-auth enable smtp authentication (for AUTH LOGIN). No need for cyrus-sasl kluges & pain like other SMTP servers does: no configuration is needed. Also add '--with-auth=passwd' if you only want Unix users (no virtual users) to connect. 


Make sure those commands point to postoffice. On BSD systems, mail wrappers do the job (NetBSD: /etc/mailer.conf, FreeBSD : /etc/mail/mailer.conf). But on Linux and non BSD-like systems, just remove the default executables, 

cd /usr/sbin/
ls -l sendmail
mv sendmail sendmail.dist


cd /usr/bin/
ls -l mailq newaliases
mv mailq mailq.dist
mv newaliases newaliases.dist

now check, 

which sendmail
which mailq
which newaliases
which runq



Postoffice configuration 

Here's an example, 

cd /etc/

Note. change self= accordingly. 

Note. 'debug' enables the DEBUG ESMTP command (disabled) 

Note. 'immediate' to process the queue immediately (enabled) 

Note. qreturn=5h bounces undeliverable mail after 5 hours 

Note. size=30m sets the largest message size that postoffice will accept, m for Megabytes 

Note. checkhelo refuses clients that claim to be us 

Note. paranoid to refuse mail from non resolvable sites 

Note. under attack eventually use 'nodaemon' to reject mail from <> (needed to receive normal bounces) 

Note. don't use "hops" or if you do, make sure it's a value above 10. 100 is the default. 

Note. if you do use greylisting (I don't), eventually define the delay, 


Note. disable verify-from if (is this an obsolete note? was it a bug?): 

- you're using another smtp for outgoing messages 

- AND you're sending mail as local user (non-virtual & remote with auth) 

otherwise you might not get the delivery returns. Your outgoing smtp will try to send them as MAIL FROM and postoffice will refuse them as non-local. 

Note. for the two milter filters, see and 


Edit the global aliases and update the alias table, 

vi /etc/aliases
#vi /etc/mail/aliases


Eventually stop and unconfigure existing SMTP services, 

#service sendmail stop
#chkconfig sendmail off

start the daemon, 

/usr/local/lib/postoffice -bd -q5
#/usr/local/sbin/smtpd -q5

note. "-q5" for queue processing interval of 5 minutes 

and enable at boot time, 

cat >> /etc/rc.local <<EOF9
echo -n starting postoffice...
/usr/local/lib/postoffice -bd -q5 && echo done



Virtual hosts 

Configure a vhost, 

mkdir -p /etc/virtual/
mkdir -p /var/spool/virtual/
vi /etc/virtual/

like e.g.,



Virtual users management 

Create a password file for it, 

cd /etc/virtual
mkdir -p
htpasswd -c USERNAME

and eventually configure its virtual aliases, 


Note. if you don't want to use htpasswd, there are some alternatives : 

- ( 

# pop_passwd username password >> password file
 $name = $ARGV[0];
 @salt_chars         = ('a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9');
 $salt               = $salt_chars[rand(62)] . $salt_chars[rand(62)];
 $passwd = crypt ($ARGV[1], $salt);
 print "$name:$passwd\n";

- vpasswd ( 



Local users management 

Simple (POP3) account no MDA 

To simply enable /var/spool/mail/%u delivery, 

useradd -s /sbin/nologin -M -g mail MAILUSER

Note. -M for user's home directory not to be created 


MDA capable account 

Note. MDA delivery is only possible with local UNIX accounts 

To pass user's mail through an MDA (e.g. procmail), 

useradd -s /sbin/nologin -m -g mail MDAUSER

note. -m to create user's home directory 

cd /home/MDAUSER
vi .procmailrc
... (see
vi .forward


"|IFS=' '&&p=/usr/bin/procmail&&test -f $p&&exec $p -f-||exit 75"

fix perms, 

chown MDAUSER:mail .forward .procmailrc
chmod 400 .forward .procmailrc

note. .procmailrc.log will eventually be created (procmailrc: LOGFILE=) with perms 600 


MDA + IMAP account 

Same as above plus, to keep dovecot vhost configuration intact, although it's possible to force mail_location for specific users, we tell procmail to send the messages to the vhost. 


Dovecot will see the vhost, Postoffice won't (/etc/virtual/ 


Note. you'll have to use specific permissions to let both, user's procmail AND the pop/imap daemon write to the vhost (see below). 




Fix permssions which where altered during the vhost configuration, 

chown -R mail:mail /etc/virtual
chown -R mail:mail /var/spool/virtual
find /etc/virtual -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \;
find /etc/virtual -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;
find /var/spool/virtual -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \;
find /var/spool/virtual -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;


For specific vhosts *only*, not all of them, the following permission changes are required if : 

- you want to access a vhost locally e.g. with Pine (or Mutt) 

- and/or you want some unix user's procmail to write to the vhost 

enable ACL (edit fstab) on the required filesystem and proceed, 

setfacl -m u:unixuser:x /var/spool/virtual
setfacl -m u:unixuser:x /var/spool/virtual/
find /var/spool/virtual/ -type d -exec setfacl -m u:unixuser:rwx {} \;
find /var/spool/virtual/ -type d -exec setfacl -dm u:unixuser:rw {} \;
find /var/spool/virtual/ -type f -exec setfacl -m u:unixuser:rw {} \;

Note. Dovecot doesn't read the symlink but user.imap's content only. So no need to fix the symlink 



MX record 

Postoffice skips /etc/hosts and system DNS resolution. It has its own resolver so you absolutely need to have the right MX or A records for the domains you're willing to host. 




Eventually deploy this handy restart script, 

cd ~/
mkdir -p bin/
cd bin/
cat > restart_postoffice.ksh <<EOF9


        ps ax | egrep 'smtpd|postoffice' | egrep -v 'restart|grep'
        pkill postoffice
        print ''
        /usr/local/lib/postoffice -bd -q5
        sleep 1
        ps ax | grep postoffice | egrep -v 'restart_|grep'
chmod +x restart_postoffice.ksh


Note. if you enabled greylisting at compilation time (I didn't), check it's working. Send an email to some hosted address and verify that the greylisting database has been created by postoffice, 

ls -l /var/db/smtpauth.db


Check the queue and force its immediate processing, 

#cd /var/spool/mqueue/
#ls -l


Update all aliases at once, 

cd /etc/virtual
for domain in `cut -f2 -d:`; do newaliases $domain; done



Update procedure 

Follow the installation procedure to overwrite Postoffice binaries, 

/usr/local/lib/postoffice -V
tar xjf postoffice-1.5.5.tar.bz2
cd postoffice-1.5.5/
./ \
--with-tcpwrappers \
--with-queuedir=/var/spool/mqueue \
--with-auth \
--with-milter \
--with-vhost=/etc/virtual \
--with-vspool=/var/spool/virtual \
make install
/usr/local/lib/postoffice -V

note. add '--use-mailwrappers' on BSD systems 

and restart the daemon, 





For milters, either a UNIX socket e.g., 


or a TCP socket e.g., 


Note. DNS hosts only 



Backup MX 

On the backup MX, same configuration but simply add this to /etc/, 


Note. and change qreturn= to something much bigger, like 3 days 



Smart host 

To define an outgoing smtp (untested), 




SMTP relay 

Interesting options (untested), 





Local users are allowed to use external MDA through the ~/.forward file, 

vi ~/.forward


"|IFS=' '&&p=/usr/local/bin/procmail&&test -f $p&&exec $p -f-||exit 75"



However, in your procmailrc, don't use the USER variable. Hard code the username e.g., 


Note. otherwise we would get something like, 




Mail quotas 

Simply use LVM for mail quotas, one LV per imap user (inbox is symlinked), 

LV /var/spool/virtual/
symlink /var/spool/virtual/ -> user.imap/inbox

Note. there's also LVM for NetBSD ( 

Note. use the minfree= configuration option 

Note. you may do daily script to let users know if they're reaching their maximum space usage 



Additional notes 

Looks like Postoffice works this way when receiving a valid message : 

- checks for MX or A record with its own resolver 

- looks for virtual host matching domain and virtual user 

- looks for local users 

Note. when using an IP instead of a domain name through telnet, you need to embrace the IP e.g., 

rcpt to:user@[XX.XX.XX.XX]


Note. add double quotes when using piped aliases, 

"|/usr/bin/msgs -s"


Note. edit smtpd welcome message, 

vi /etc/issue.smtp


Note. postoffice doesn't provide /var/log/mail.stat 




Check you've got the latest version, 

/usr/local/lib/postoffice -V


Find out what's using /var/spool/mqueue (in case it's not even a lying runq process), 

lsof | grep mqueue


Some other UNICES use "/var/mail/" instead of "/var/spool/mail". Adapt your MAIL or MAILPATH variable or make sure there's a symlink to one another. That's for local users. Virtual hosts are usually hosted into /var/spool/virtual. 


Eventually test your server remotely by telnet, 

helo check
helo check
mail from:<>





Mail server migration 

Assuming the old MX is currently in production, and either you just configured a new one, or you have a backup MX standing by. Either way you want to migrate the service to the new MX. 


Update the DNS records but force the old behaviour 

- configure vhosts's DNS MX records so the new MX has a higher priority 

- do not configure the wanted vhosts on the new MX yet 

- don't change old MX's configuration (no mxpool) 


Migrate the data and switch MXes 

Proceed once the MX records are propagated (approx. 4 hours). 


On old MX : 

- empty the queue and disable the vhosts you need to migrate 

- make an archive of their configuration and mbox folders 

- rename the mbox folder to .old (no need to create a new-empty one) 

- send the archives to the new MX 

- reenable the vhost 

- fix perms 

- update postoffice to get the mxpool feature 

- start the daemon with mxpool 


On the new MX : 

- deploy vhost's archives 

- configure the vhost 

- apply vhost's aliases 

- fix perms 



Note. this may happen : greylisting db isn't as up to date on the new MX as it is on the old one. So the new MX may refuse temporarily some messages, which will be hence sended to the backup (old) MX. The latter will keep them for the new one. 

Note. unfortunately you can't enable mxpool for one vhost and keep it disabled for another. 

Note. this will go smoothly on the client side, username and passwords don't change, hostname don't change (update the pop server DNS record), e.g. thunderbird just proceeds on the new host w/o warning nor errors. 

Note. only thing is, you might get emails twice (those who where intetionnaly kept on the server) if you don't migrate all at once. 





Postfix with mbox virtual hosts (untested)