this is obsolete doc -- see instead

Feline/Fucking Virtual Window Manager 2 configuration 



Launch Fvwm2 as a user and use the setup form to get the defaults, or 

cd ~/.fvwm/
ls -l /usr/local/etc/system.fvwm2rc.dist
mv /usr/local/etc/system.fvwm2rc .fvwm2rc
cp .fvwm2rc .fvwm2rc.dist



Configure your window manager, 

cd ~/.fvwm/
vi .fvwm2rc

add for example, 

# Additional configuration (add below to overwrite previous configs)


# Note. Using 'MouseFocusClickRaises' instead of a direct mouse binding (like
# mouse 1 W A raise) because the latter would catch the click in the window.  You
# don't want that.
Style *         MouseFocusClickRaises
Style *         ResizeOpaque
# (window to move may be as big as the screen area, say 100%)
OpaqueMoveSize 100


# Make it harder to switch screens (new syntax!)
EdgeResistance 500
        Style * EdgeMoveDelay 500
        Style * EdgeMoveResistance 500


# Click on title bar ==> Raise
# Move on title bar ==> Move
# Double click on title bar ==> Maximize
# what about mouse 0 2 A ?  I forgot.
addtofunc titlebar
+ I raise
+ M move
+ D maximize
#mouse 0 2       A       maximize
mouse 1 T       A       titlebar


# Alt+move on the application window ==> Move
# Alt+double click on the app window ==> Maximize
addtofunc appwindow
+ M move
+ D maximize
mouse 1 W       M       appwindow
mouse 3 W       M       resize


# Alt+1,2,3,4 to switch pages on a virtual desktop
# Note. The keyboard shortcuts are relative to a French keyboard.  Use 'xev' to
# find out the relevant shortcuts you.
key ampersand A M       gotopage 0 0
key eacute    A M       gotopage 0 1
key quotedbl  A M       gotopage 1 0
key apostrophe A M      gotopage 1 1


# Alt+F4 to close.  Sorry but I'm also used to MS Windows, which isn't so bad for
# workstation usage.
key F4  A       M       close


You may also want to tune your virtual terminals, 

cd ~/
cat > .Xresources <<EOF9

Note. use ‘xrdb’ to reload those.