this is obsolete doc -- see instead

Configuring Samba on OpenBSD 5.2 


Configure Samba, 

cd /etc/samba/
mv smb.conf smb.conf.dist
sed '/^#/d; /^;/d; /^$/d;' smb.conf.dist > smb.conf
vi smb.conf
  ==> change workgroup
  ==> disable load printers
  ==> remove the [homes] stanza
  ==> remove the [printers] stanza

add some additionall configuration options to the [global] stanza, 

unix extensions = no
allow insecure wide links = no
printing = BSD

note. printing=bsd to avoid a recurrent error about CUPS in the logs... printcap name=/etc/printcap should work also. 

and add a specific share like e.g., 

        path = /data
        valid users = USERNAME
        writable = yes
        printable = no

note. change USERNAME accordingly. 


Make sure the USERNAME user exists and configure its Samba account, 

smbpasswd -a USERNAME


Start and enable Samba at boot, 

/etc/rc.d/samba start
cd /etc/
cat >> rc.conf.local <<EOF9


